Improve offshore infrastructure resilience against geohazards towards a changing climate

Surfacing the hidden threats below the ocean’s surface

Beneath the serene surface of our offshore environments lies an escalating crisis. Climate change and geohazards pose a growing risk, threatening our vital offshore infrastructure. With the support of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, the POSEIDON project brings together experts spanning European countries, universities, research institutions, industry partners, and government bodies. Together, they will offer a new generation of doctoral candidates a chance to equip themselves with the tools to identify, map, assess, and predict offshore geohazards. Their mission is to unearth innovative methods to safeguard, strengthen, and foster resilience in our offshore infrastructure, all while navigating the tumultuous waters of climate change.


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The Consortium

16 beneficiaries and partners from seven European countries
This project has received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101120236
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