
DC01: GeoAcoustic Mapping and Soil Classification

Offshore acoustic high-frequency backscatter strength is widely used as a proxy for soil classification. Its accurate interpretation can lead to significant cost savings in exploration, enhance sampli...

DC02: Size and distribution of submarine landslides along passive continental margins

In recent decades, it has become widely accepted that submarine landslides are a widespread sedimentary process that plays an important role in the formation of continental margins. However, morpholog...

DC03: Understanding the influence of grain morphology and mesostructure on the initiation and runout of submarine landslides

Project Description Hydromechanical phenomena at the pore scale are key for the initiation and runout of submarine landslides. The project aims to understand the role of grain morphology and meso-stru...

DC04: Towards a unified constitutive model for saturated granular fluids and solids

Submarine landslides, from the mobilization to the transport of fluid-saturated sediments, involve the understanding and modeling of geomechanical processes at multiple length and time scales. This pr...

DC05: Micro-structural characteristics of failure planes and weak layers – new insights from (4D) mCT measurements combined with geotechnical testing

Background Submarine landslides represent a significant geohazard, endangering coastal communities and offshore infrastructure. The weak layer concept, attributing landslide failure planes to mechanic...

DC06: High-performance multi-phase, volume-coupled material point method for modelling submarine landslides

Submarine landslides involve the movement of saturated sediments down a slope, interacting with seawater and/or offshore infrastructure. During landslides, the bulk of the sediment material (usually c...

DC07: Efficient landslide tsunami model with generalized rheological properties

Depth-averaged models adopting advanced rheologies are not yet available for tsunami-hazard analysis. This project consists of developing an efficient landslide tsunami model with generalised rheologi...

DC08: Offshore infrastructure resilient design

This project will focus on hybrid offshore foundation solutions and establish robust design procedures for offshore wind turbines. Key objectives include: Developing an innovative hybrid monopile foun...

DC09: Performance-based design of offshore wind turbine foundations with Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

My project focuses on performance-based design of foundations for floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) using Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) within a probabilistic framework. Key objective...

DC10: Characterization of lithology endmembers – bridging the gap between micro-scale sediment characteristic and macro-scale landslide behaviour

Submarine landslides are gravity-driven mass movements occurring in underwater slope settings worldwide and represent a significant marine geohazard, posing risks to coastal regions and critical offsh...

DC11: Dynamic modelling of submarine landslides and induced tsunami propagation

Dynamic modelling of submarine landslides and induced tsunami propagation Submarine landslides pose significant risks to offshore infrastructure, such as gas and oil pipelines, offshore wind farms, an...

DC12: Investigation on critical failure modes for resilient offshore infrastructure under extreme weather conditions

This position is funded by UKRI. For more details on the projects and the application deadline, please contact Prof. Xueyu Geng

DC13: Floating offshore wind turbine anchoring systems lifecycle analysis and optimisation design

This position is funded by UKRI. For more details on the projects and the application deadline, please contact Prof. Xueyu Geng

This project has received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101120236
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