DC08: Offshore infrastructure resilient design

Doctoral Candidate

Henry Gunawan

I am Henry Gunawan, from Batam, Indonesia. I studied Civil Engineering at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) for my Bachelor’s degree. I then pursued my Master’s in Civil Engineering at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), specializing in Geotechnical Engineering. My Master’s thesis focused on “Experimental and Numerical Analyses of Piled Raft in Sand,” where I investigated soil-structure interaction using 3D FEM with SANISAND-MS and Hardening Soil constitutive models, complemented by centrifuge testing at scales of 50 and 100g.

Additionally, I also worked as a Geotechnical Engineer Support at Seaway7, an offshore installation company, in the Seabed Intervention – Foundation team. In this role, I focused on analysing offshore foundation installations, including monopile drivability assessment, pile run analysis, and suction caisson installation. I developed automated Python-based applications and implemented machine learning techniques to analyse geotechnical data and installation predictions.

I am currently working on the DC08 project “Offshore infrastructure resilient design” under the supervision of Dr. Nallathamby Sivasithamparam and Dr. Zhongqiang Liu. This research aims to advance the knowledge of hybrid foundation for offshore wind turbines.

Project Details

Host Institutions
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

[4 months]
University of Warwick
[3 months]

This project will focus on hybrid offshore foundation solutions and establish robust design procedures for offshore wind turbines.

Key objectives include:

  1. Developing an innovative hybrid monopile foundation that offers enhanced performance and cost-effectiveness compared to conventional foundations like traditional monopiles and suction caissons.
  2. Establishing a generic statistical framework for quantifying and propagating uncertainties in soil properties, providing a valuable tool for probabilistic foundation design and risk assessment.
  3. Formulating a practical procedure for reliability- and resilience-based offshore infrastructure design, enabling risk-informed decision-making in the face of uncertainties in soil properties and extreme metocean conditions.

The research incorporates design procedures for hybrid foundations within current design practices, such as the PISA method, while conducting uncertainty quantification that encompasses transformation uncertainty and spatial variability. The work will also address integrated reliability-based design with specific focus on load actions.

This project has received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101120236
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