DC07: Efficient landslide tsunami model with generalized rheological properties

Doctoral Candidate

Aadi Bhure

I have earned a Master’s degree in Mathematics from TIFR Centre for Applicable Mathematics, Bengaluru, India. After my master’s courses, I worked with Prof. Praveen Chandrashekar on numerical solutions of shear shallow water equations, a hyperbolic system of partial differential equations. I have joined the POSEIDON doctoral network as DC07, under the supervision of Dr. Finn Løvholt (Norwegian Geotechnical Institute) and Prof. André Brodtkorb (Oslo Metropolitan University).

Project Details

Host Institutions
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute

Depth-averaged models adopting advanced rheologies are not yet available for tsunami-hazard analysis. This project consists of developing an efficient landslide tsunami model with generalised rheological properties. Landslide modelling is a complex task. Although depth-averaging provides a natural way of simplifying it, the inclusion of advanced rheologies makes depth-averaging less straightforward.


In short, the goal is to

  • develop such a model and test it on lab-scale experimental data as well as recorded full-scale observations
  • understand the underlying mechanism of landslide and tsunami dynamics, and perform parameter studies on the model

Expected outcomes

This project aims to produce

  • a new model for landslide tsunami generation and propagation considering the broader set of aspects influencing tsunami generation
  • more streamlined procedures for landslide tsunami hazard analysis anchored in lab and field observations
  • a better understanding of landslide tsunamis and related procedures on how to forecast them
This project has received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101120236
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