DC03: Understanding the influence of grain morphology and mesostructure on the initiation and runout of submarine landslides

Doctoral Candidate

Govind Kant Mishra

I am Govind Kant Mishra, and I am from India. I have completed my bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from National Institute of Technology Patna, India and later on, completed my Master’s degree in Geotechnical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, India. In my Master’s thesis, I have worked on the influence of debris flow rheology on its evolution, and later on propose a scaling law which incorporate the aspect ratio and the flow rheology. In addition to this, I have also investigated the effect of flow rheology and bed inclination on impact behaviour of flow against a rigid barrier.

I am currently working on DC03 project on investigation of grain morphology effect on the initiation and runout of submarine landslide at University of Twente. My supervisor is Dr. Vanessa Magnanimo, Dr. Stefan Luding, and Dr. Hongyang Cheng. The aim of this project is to develop a hydro-mechanical model of realistic granular soils using a fully resolved direct numerical simulation techniques, with a focus on representative volume elements (RVEs). This will be beneficial in understanding of the interplay between structural properties and pore water pressure on the saturated granular flows.

Project Details

Host Institutions
University of Twente

Project Description

Hydromechanical phenomena at the pore scale are key for the initiation and runout of submarine landslides. The project aims to understand the role of grain morphology and meso-structure in the avalanching and resting process during submarine landslides, at various overpressure conditions.

Specific objectives are:

  1. Apply an existing LBM-DEM numerical model to simulate the collapse of dense/granular masses over an inclined plane subjected to sudden increase of pore-pressure.
  2. Incorporate the realistic particle shapes in the LBM-DEM model and study the effects of grain morphology hydromechanical behaviour.
  3. Compare and validate the simulations at point i) and ii) with the pilot-scale laboratory experiments on granular-liquid mixtures.
  4. Coarse grain particle scale information into continuum fields and understand the mass/momentum transfer and energy dissipation mechanisms that contribute to the triggering and runout of saturated granular flows.

Expected Results:

  1. A novel hydro-micromechanical numerical tool for modelling saturated granular masses in submarine landslides.
  2. A deep understanding of the interplay between structural properties and pore water pressure on the saturated granular flows.


This project has received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101120236
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