DC02: Size and distribution of submarine landslides along passive continental margins

Doctoral Candidate

Georga-Marie Hooton

Hello! My name is Georga-Marie Hooton. I am from Essex in the UK and I spent my bachelors in at the University of Plymouth studying Geology and Ocean Science and then moved to Tromsø to study my masters in Marine Geology and Geophysics at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. For my Masters thesis I investigated a submarine landslide offshore northern Svalbard and used sedimentological, micropalaeontological, bathymetric and acoustic data to determine a time constraint of the landslide deposits in sediment cores.

I have recently joined Christian-Albrecht University of Kiel, Germany in the Marine Geophysics and Hydroacoustics department to begin my PhD where I will be working with seismic and acoustic data to investigate submarine landslides offshore NW Africa.

I will be working with my supervisor, Dr. Sebastian Krastel here at CAU to create a compilation of the accessible hydroacoustic, seismic and core data of the study region. The existence of sediment waves at the study site can be majorly disruptive to seafloor infrastructure, such as telecommunication cables, as well as influence slope stability and the submarine channels can influence the direction and distribution of submarine landslides.

The aim of the project is to compile the existing data and create a map of the distribution of landslides in the area. The knowledge of submarine landslides is heavily biased towards data availability and this project will also investigate this as an important role.

Project Details

Host Institutions
Kiel University (Germany)

In recent decades, it has become widely accepted that submarine landslides are a widespread sedimentary process that plays an important role in the formation of continental margins. However, morphological, seismic and core data are sparse and may investigations of submarine landslides may be biased due to the availability of data.

The main aim of the project is to compile all accessible hydroacoustic, seismic and core data of the NW-African margin and map the distribution of submarine landslides along the NW-African continental margin. The work will include the analysis of the preconditioning factors of landslides along the NW-African continental margin, the tole of submarine channels for the distribution of landslides as well as comparisons with other margins.

The work will allow to proof of falsify the hypothesis that current work related to submarine landslides is heavily biased by data availability.

This project has received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101120236
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