Host beneficiary for DC03, DC04, DC06
Host for secondment for DC10, DC11
The University of Twente is a public university in the Netherlands with primary focus on engineering and with considerable experience in training through research.
The Faculty of Engineering Technology at UT is the link between science, research, technology and social sciences, and participated in various FP6, FP7 and Horizon2020 projects. Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Industrial Design form a unique combination for both research and training, with approximately 2.200 bachelor’s and master’s students, 440 employees and 150 PhD candidates.
The Multi-Scale Mechanics (MSM) research group, part of the Thermal and Fluids Engineering department, focuses on mechanical processes where distinct scales are interacting, e.g., granular systems, non-Newtonian fluids, porous media, and non-linear, micro-structured modern materials.
The Chair of Soil Micro Mechanics (SMM), part of the Civil Engineering department combines the fundamental study of soil mechanics and the application to (earth) construction materials. Research focus is on the development of novel, smart technologies to improve/optimize earth construction works and the soil-structures interaction. The chair aims to establish a new field of research: microscale features can be exploited to modify soil as desired and tune hydro-mechanical properties, toward the concept of Smart Soils, with the final goal to design construction materials by need.